Year of Birth: 1958
Education: Doctorate
Research Title: Principal Research Associate
University Title: Professor
+386 1 470 64 80
Prof. dr. Marina Gržinić is a philosopher, theorist, activist and public intellectual. Her theoretical work focuses on contemporary philosophy and aesthetics after modernism. She received her PhD from the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana in 1995, making her one of the first, if not the first, in Slovenia and perhaps in the entire former Yugoslavia to receive a PhD in philosophy and virtual reality, cyberspace, cyberfeminism (Haraway), postcolonial theory (Trinh T. Minh-ha), French structuralism and media theory (Baudrillard, Couchot, Klonaris/Thomadaki, Virilio, etc.).
Her international speaking and teaching engagements include the Centre for Global Studies and the Humanities at Duke University, North Carolina, U.S.A.; UCLA, California, U.S.A.; San Francisco University of Art, California, U.S.A.; IMI, Osaka, Japan; Merz Academy, Stuttgart, Germany; Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A.; Haute école d’art et de design, Geneva, Switzerland; Roosevelt Academy, University of Utrecht, Middelburg, Netherlands; ASAB, Bogota, Columbia, etc.
Marking Radical Aesthetics in the Time of Racial Capitalism. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 2023. DOI
Theorizing decoloniality in Southeastern Europe: vocabularies, politics, and perspectives. dVersiâ, 2019.
Capitalism and Death. Filozofski vestnik, 2023. DOI
Monographs and chapters in monographs
Opposing colonialism, antisemitism, and turbo-nationalism: rethinking the past for new conviviality. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, cop., 2020.
What is the aesthetics of necropolitics? The aesthetics of necropolitics, 2018.
Editorial Work
2017, Racialized bodies and the digital (financial) mode of production. Regimes of invisibility in contemporary art, theory and culture: image, racialization, history.
2018, Border Thinking. Disassembling Histories of Racialized Violence. Marina Gržinić, ed., Vienna, Berlin: Publication Series of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Vol 21., and Sternberg Press.
2018, Shifting corporealities in contemporary performance: danger, im/mobility and politics, Marina Gržinić and Aneta Stojnić, eds., (Avant-gardes in performance). Cham: Palgrave Macmillian. cop.
The problem of objectivity and fiction in contemporary philosophy (July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2021)
Europe as a Philosophical Idea and Political Subject (fundamental research project • May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2020)
Conditions and Problems of Contemporary Philosophy IV (research programme • January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2025)
Conditions and Problems of Contemporary Philosophy III (research programme • January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2019)
She received her PhD from the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana in 1995, making her one of the first, if not the first, in Slovenia and perhaps in the entire former Yugoslavia to receive a PhD in philosophy and virtual reality, cyberspace, cyberfeminism (Haraway), postcolonial theory (Trinh T. Minh-ha), French structuralism and media theory (Baudrillard, Couchot, Klonaris/Thomadaki, Virilio, etc.). Between 1997-1998, she completed her academic postdoctoral training in Japan, at Tokyo Kogei University (on a JSPS grant from the Japanese government) and spent a year studying and working with Professor Machiko Kusahara. In 2001, she was accepted into the Apexart Residency Programme in New York, U.S.A.
Employment and titles
1993–, Research Title: Principal Research Associate, University Title: Professor, Institute of Philosophy, ZRC SAZU, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2003–, Professor, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Vienna, Austria
Institute for Imagining Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Teaching Engagements
Postgraduate program Intercultural Studies - Comparative Studies of Ideas and Cultures, University of Nova Gorica and Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana.
University Professor for Conceptual Art at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna.
CCC, Haute école d'art et de design Genève, Geneva, Switzerland.
Hoger Instituut voor Schone Kunsten, Gent, Belgium.
Duke University, Durham, USA.
Prizes, awards, scholarships, fellowships
– USIA, USA, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco (1988)
– JSPS, Tokyo, postdoctoral at Institute for Imagining Technology, Japan (1997-98)
– Apex ART curatorial, New York, USA (2001)
– Duke University, Durham, USA
The Golden Sign of ZRC SAZU, 2007, Ljubljana - for cutting-edge research into the semi-past and present processes of post-modernist and post-socialist art, culture and society. VIDEO
Selected lectures and conference papers
How to blow the world of racial global necrocapitalism and provoke rebellion, power, thoughts: prispevek na konferenci The White West III: Automating apartheid, Kunsthalle Wien (Avstrija), 13. februar 2020.
Contemporary philosophy between necropolitics and thanatopolitics: prispevek na mednarodnem kolokviju Re-activating critical thinking in contemporary philosophy and theory, org. v okviru predmeta Sodobne teorije umetnosti in kulture ter estetika novih tehnologij na Podiplomski šoli ZRC SAZU, 15. januar 2021.
Performativity and theory: prispevek na Live Theory Workshop (LTW), School of Arts and Culture, Malmö University, Malmö (Švedska), 24.–26. oktober 2018.
From biopolitics to necropolitics: predavanje na otvoritvi Moderna Exhibition 2018 With the Future Behind Us, Moderna Museet, Stockholm (Švedska), 20. oktober 2018.
Images of violence, or the violence of neoliberal necrocapitalism: prispevek na Symopsion on Photography, Camera Austria, Gradec (Avstrija), 5. oktober 2018.
Decolonial, post-colonial, post-socialism: predavanje na Balkan Society for Theory and Practice Workshop v okviru panela What does it mean to speak of decoloniality in Eastern Europe?, Prizren (Kosovo), 20. julij 2018.
Društvene i umjetničke prakse suživota i nova kritička misao: predavanje v okviru razstave Unprofessional/Besposlen, org. Institut za savremenu umjetnost, Galerija Art, Podgorica (Črna gora), 7. junij 2018.
Reciting: residues, ruins, remainders: plenarno predavanje na konferenci In the Names of ... Re/In/Citing Politics Beyond Capital and Colony, Moravian Gallery, Brno (Češka republika), 26. maj 2018.
GRŽINIĆ, Marina, CROWLEY, David. Überschreitung und Übergang in den Künsten?: diskusijski prispevek na simpoziju Underground + Improvisation, Akademie der Künste, Berlin (Nemčija), 21. april 2018.
Decolonial and performative: prispevek na srečanju z nasl. To be archived v okviru projekta Living archives research project, Malmö Konstmuseum, Malmö (Švedska), 12. april 2018.
Memòria i història i l'acte de recordar: prispevek na seminarju La condició de contorn. Sobre l'arxiu i els seus límits, MACBA - Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (Španija), 16. februar 2018.
Membership in national and international associations
Art Margins Editorial Board