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Lectures on Palestine by Majd Nasrallah

Basic information

November 8, 2024 at 16:00 to November 12, 2024 at 18:30
Institute of Philosophy ZRC SAZU meeting room , Novi trg 2, 3rd floor

Institute of Philosophy ZRC SAZU is hosting Majd Nasrallah, who will give lectures on Palestine and the possibility of emancipation.

The lectures will take place in the meeting room of the Institute of Philosophy, ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2, 3rd floor.

The lectures will be in english language.

Majd Nasrallah is a cultural practitioner, community organizer, researcher, and curator from Qalansuwa, the Triangle area in Palestine. He focuses on popular education, grassroots political formation, and critical knowledge production. 


The first lecture will be on friday, november 8, at 16.00. The abstract:

Israel's Matrix of Oppression

The ongoing genocidal assault on Gaza over the past year has marked a pivotal shift in global paradigms, allowing for the erosion of international law and fueling the resurgence of fascist ideologies worldwide. To grasp the potential impact of these shifts on global politics, it is essential to examine the foundational structures underpinning the Israeli state.

In this discussion, we will explore how the Israeli state—a self-defined Jewish democracy—functions as a settler colonial project of domination over land and non-Jewish populations. Through a matrix of legal frameworks and practices, it systematically  oppresses the Palestinian nation while fragmenting any movement for liberation. By examining these tools of subjugation in both law and practice, we can better understand how they work to suppress Palestinian autonomy and dismantle aspirations for justice, freedom, and peace.


The second lecture will be on tuesday, november 12, at 17.00. The abstract:

Liberation in Praxis

In these turbulent times, we cannot remain passive and idle as the forces of fascism, racism, and oppression continue to dismantle our humanist projects. More importantly, we cannot limit ourselves to reactionary politics, relying on the very tools provided by a system that is being systematically dismantled. Our approach to liberation must transcend the traditional frameworks of rights, party politics, and statehood. It is time to embody bravery and courage, taking agency in shaping our discourse. This means daring to imagine new ways of being and exercising our power over our reality. Join us for a discussion on the future of political formation and the new horizons of emancipation for Palestinians and its global implications. We will explore what it means to become the active subject of liberation, the role of culture in establishing new values for liberation, and how this new political thought manifests in praxis.


Fotografija: Anne Paq

Photo: John Austin via Labour2Palestine