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The World of Descartes

A series of seminars on Descartes' Le Monde

Basic information

November 29, 2023 at 17:00 to January 10, 2024 at 19:00
Conference room, Institute of Philosophy ZRC SAZU

The Institute of Philosophy invites you to a series of seminars

The World of Descartes

On the occasion of the translation of René Descartes' Le Monde (The World) into Slovene, the Institute of Philosophy ZRC SAZU is organizing a series of seminars in which speakers will present individual chapters from Descartes' work.

The seminars will be held in Slovene in the conference room of the Institute of Philosophy ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2, 3rd floor, starting at 17:00 according to the following schedule:


29. november

Matjaž Vesel, kratek uvod

Matija Jan, 1. poglavje: »O razliki med našimi občutki in stvarmi, ki jih proizvajajo«

6. december

Matjaž Vesel, 2. poglavje: »Iz česa sestojita toplost in svetloba ognja«

13. december

Matjaž Vesel, 3. poglavje: »O trdosti in tekočnosti«

20. december

Kajetan Škraban, 4. poglavje: »O praznini in o tem, zakaj naši čuti ne zaznajo določenih teles«

10. januar

Kajetan Škraban, 5. poglavje: »O številu elementov in o njihovih kvalitetah«

17. januar

Gregor Kroupa, 6. poglavje: »Opis nekega novega sveta in o kvalitetah materije, iz katere je sestavljen«

24. januar

Matjaž Vesel, 7. poglavje: »O zakonih narave v tem novem svetu«


You are cordially invited!