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A monograph by Boštjan Nedoh 'Eros tesnobe' has been published by Analecta

Problemi 7-8/23
Published on: February 29, 2024

A monograph by Boštjan Nedoh Eros Tesnobe has been published by Analecta as an issue of Problemi 7-8/23. 

"To paraphrase Benjamin, the point of this book can be formulated as follows: Psychoanalysis should always win, and it will, if it takes anxiety (and its relationship with Eros) into its service, which today, as we know, is ugly and must be hidden. [...] From this point of view, we can say that anxiety as a subjective affect has a distinctly objective status: it is an "ontological" and material(ist) affect, but not in the posthumanist sense of the affect of being/matter itself, but rather in the sense of an affective, material signal for a rupture in being itself."

The copy of the book is available here.