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Arsalan Reihanzadeh, PhD

Education: Doctorate
Research Title: Research Assistant with PhD
University Title: Assistant

+386 1 470 64 79


Dr. Arsalan Reihanzadeh is a research assistant with a Ph.D. at ZRC SAZU’s Institute of Philosophy. He defended his Ph.D. thesis in July 2024, entitled “One Unites into Two: From an Onto-theological Statement to a Political Implication,” which provides a philosophical-psychoanalytical interpretation of one of the most prominent theological-political manifestations of the 20th century. Reihanzadeh’s research spans various contexts, including socio-political, theological, and cultural anthropological perspectives. In addition to his primary areas of focus – philosophy and psychoanalytic theory – he has explored intersections with political philosophy, social theory, and Islamic philosophy. He also specializes in aesthetics and literary theory.

Articles (in English)
(2023). "Of Times, Religions, and Revolutions: One Unites into Two", Filozofski Vestnik, 44(3), 77–107.
(2022). "Foucault’s Adventure in Iran and His Last “Turn”", Filozofski Vestnik, 43(2).
Articles (in Slovene)
(2021). "Dotakniti se imamovega telesa. Homeini med svojimi gorečimi privrženci", Problemi No, 3-4/2021.
Articles (in Persian)
(2013) "Badiou on Theatre as a Repeatable Event", Shargh, 1642.
(2011) "The Scene as Two: Ranciere versus Plato", Shargh, 1455. 
(2011). "Comedy, Repetition, History: Marx and Psychoanalysis", Cinema & Literature, 31.
(2010) "Staging the Unstageable: Theatrocracy in Iran", Kheradnaameh, 37. 
(2009). "Is it Possible a Rancierian Reading of Iranian Contemporary Literature? ", Rokhdaad, 5. 
(2009). "Aesthetics and Expanding the Limitations of Experience", Etemaad, 2067. 
Translation (in Persian)
(2013). Ranciere, J. "The Beginning of Politics", in The Names of Politics, Co-translation, Bidgol Press, ISBN: 978-600-5193-73-2.
(2013). Negri, A. "Constituent Republic", in The Names of Politics, Co-translation, Bidgol Press, ISBN: 978-600-5193-73-2.
(2012). Dolar, M. "Hegel and Freud", Thesis11.
(2011). Salecl, R. "Love and sexual difference: double partners in men and women", Cinema & Literature, 30.
(2008). Zupančič, A. "On Evil: An Interview", Kargozaran. 
Conceptualizing the End: its Temporality, Dialectics, and Affective Dimension (fundamental research project • October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2025)
Reality, Illusion, Fiction, Truth: A Preliminary Study (fundamental research project • October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2025)

– Doctorate in Philosophy, Podiplomska šola ZRC SAZU.
– Master’s degree in Philosophy, Islamic Azad University.
– Bachelor’s degree in Translation Studies, Islamic Azad University.

Employment and Titles
2023–, research assistant with PhD, Institute of philosophy, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana.

Teaching Engagements
– Reactivating the Absolute: Quentin Meillassoux and the Realist Turn in Continental Philosophy, Off Studio, Tehran, Spring-Summer.
– Theoretical Remarks on Antigone, Iranian Artists Forum, Tehran, Spring-Summer.

Selected lectures and conference papers

– One unites into two: on the Neo-Platonic god; predavanje na International Confrence "To be continued? ... Philosophy and psychoanalysis today", Ljubljana, 15. 11. 2023.
– The Division of One and its Notion in Modern Iran, ZNANOST IN NJENI POGOJI 6. simpozij mladih raziskovalk in raziskovalcev na začetku znanstvene poti, Podiplomska šola ZRC SAZU, LjubljanaSlovenia (, Oct 25–26, 2018.
– Sexuality and Politics in Contemporary Iran, University of Paris VIII, Paris (France), Feb 24, 2017.
– Jacques Rancière and the Problematic of Art and Non-Art, University of Malta (Malta), Nov 20, 2015. 
– The Politics of Aesthetics: What Rancière Can Tell Us About Early 20th Century Art, University of Granada, Granada (Spain), Dec 10, 2014.
– Lacan and Return to Freud, University of Tehran, Department of Literature & Human Sciences, Tehran, Dec 18, 2012. 
– Freud and Uncanny, Porsesh: The Institute of Political-Economic Studies, Tehran, January 24, 2013.
– Jacques Ranciere and the Politics of Aesthetics, University of Shiraz, Department of Art & Architecture, Shiraz, Mar 3, 2009.
– Literature as Mute Speech, University of Tehran, Department of Literature & Human Sciences, Tehran, Apr 12, 2011.
– Badiou and Idea-Theatre, Iranian Artists Forum, Tehran, Jan 14, 2012.
– Badiou and Beckett, Porsesh: The Institute of Political-Economical Studies, Tehran, Aug 8, 2012. 
– Dialectics of Art and Dismantling of Limitations, Mahe-Mehr Art & Cultural Institute, Tehran, Aug 4, 2013.
– The Politics of Aesthetics and Scenes from the Aesthetic Regime of Art, Mahe-Mehr Art & Cultural Institute, Tehran, Sep 21, 2013.

Research areas
Philosophy H001

theoretical psychoanalysis
political philosophy
islamic philosophy
social theory
aesthetic theory