Lovrenc Rogelj is a junior researcher at the Institute of Philosophy at ZRC SAZU and a PhD student at the ZRC SAZU Postgraduate School. His research focuses on the concept of standardization in relation to the theory of the commodity form, specifically the peculiarities of the production and consumption of goods created through so-called artistic means, brands as a philosophical and sociological problem, and the overall concept of commodities within the framework of the cultural industry. He also has a special interest in the epistemology of music scholarship. He is writing his doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Dr. Tadej Troha.
“Predelava Adornove teorije standardizacije na primeru glasbenega blaga” [A Revision of Adorno's Theory of Standardization Through the Example of Musical Commodities]. Problemi 61, no. 5/6 (2023): 113–48.
“Nietzsche, Wagner, kompozicijski miniaturizem” [Nietzsche, Wagner, Compositional Miniaturism]. Filozofski vestnik 42, no. 3 (2021): 97–110. https://doi.org/10.3986/fv.42.3.05.
2023– Master's Degree in Musicology, Faculty of Arts (University of Ljubljana), with the thesis Music as a Commodity, Music and Commodities: A Broadening of Adorno's Theory of Standardization and a Case Study
Employment and titles
2024– junior researcher, research assistant, Institute of Philosophy, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana
Prizes, awards, and scholarships
2023– Nahtigal Prize of the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana for the best final thesis, fort he Masters thesis Music as a Commodity, Music and Commodities
2023– Certificate of Excellence from the University of Ljubljana for Outstanding Academic Achievements
Lectures and conference papers
“Launching Luka Basi: Analyzing the Institutional Factors Behind One of Slovenia's Most Successful Musical Exports«. Paper presented at “How Does ‘Your’ Music Sound? Belonging, Communities, and Identities in Popular Music across Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern Europe”, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana, November 9–10, 2023.
“Za omiko, za Glasbo, za narodovo izobrazbo! Anahronizmi in protislovja glasbene stroke” [For Civility, for Music, for the Nation's Education! Anachronisms and Contradictions in the Field of Music Expertise], with Jan Ovnik and Ivana Maričić. Lecture for Institute of Labour Studies, Ljubljana, June 5, 2024.