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Lea Kuhar

Datum rojstva: 6. januar 1990
Izobrazba: Profesorica filozofije in univerzitetna diplomirana sociologinja kulture
Znanstveni naziv: mlada raziskovalka
Univerzitetni naziv: asistentka

+386 (0) 1 470 6 483

Lea Kuhar je mlada raziskovalka na Filozofskem inštitutu ZRC SAZU in doktorska študentka filozofije na Podiplomski šoli ZRC SAZU, kjer pod mentorstvom dr. Rada Rihe končuje doktorsko disertacijo na temo Marxove kritike politične ekonomije, sodobne filozofije in epistemologije.



Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdieds (DAAD), Universität der Künste Berlin, januar – april 2019.

KUHAR, Lea (2019). Towards an Object-Oriented Critique of Political Economy. Filozofski Vestnik, let. 40, št. 3, str. 73–90. Dostopno na:

KUHAR, Lea (2019). “Materialism of Suffering and Left-Wing Melancholia. Filozofski Vestnik, let. 40, št. 1, str. 183–198. Dostopno na:

KUHAR, Lea (2019). Branje Althusserja. V: KUHAR, Lea (ur.), et al. Platforma 1: zbornik študentk in študentov Podiplomske šole ZRC SAZU. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, str. 36–64.

KUHAR, Lea (2019). What Is wrong with the young Karl Marx?. Science & society, ISSN 0036-8237, October 2019, vol. 83, no. 4, str. 561–567.

KUHAR, Lea (2018). The riddle of the revolution: between truth and totality. Historical materialism, 13. april, 2018.

KUHAR, Lea (2017). Fatalizem dela. Borec: revija za zgodovino, literaturo in antropologijo, letn. 69, št. 748/750, str. 72–87.

KUHAR, Lea (2017). "Celota je neresnično": uganka revolucije. V: KOZINC, Nina (ur.), et al. Mislimo revolucije: ob 100-letnici oktobrske revolucije, (Časopis za kritiko znanosti, domišljijo in novo antropologijo, letn. 45, št. 269). Ljubljana: Inštitut Časopis za kritiko znanosti, letn. 45, št. 269, str. 105–115.


Nastopi na konferencah

KUHAR, Lea. Materialism of suffering: predavanje na mednarodni konferenci, 16th Annual Historical Materialism Conference "Claps of Thunder: Disaster Communism, Extinction Capitalism and How to Survive Tomorrow", tematski sklop "Marxism and Alienation", SOAS, School of Oriental and African Studies, London (GBR), 10. november 2019.

KUHAR, Lea. Reading Althusser: predavanje na mednarodni konferenci "Rethinking Crisis, Resistance and Strategy. Historical Materialism", tematski sklop "Revisiting Althusser's Contribution and Antinomies", Panteion University, Athens (GRE), 5. maj 2019.

KUHAR, Lea. After the end: the materialism of suffering and the left-wing melancholia: predavanje na mednarodni konferenci v org. ZRC SAZU in Univerze Lancaster "The end(s) of political theology", ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 6. junij 2018.

KUHAR, Lea. The Left-wing melancholia: prispevek na "The 12th Biennial Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference", Šanghaj (Kitajska), 15. avgust 2018.

KUHAR, Lea. The object-oriented critique of political economy: prispevek na 15th Annual Historical Materialism Conference "Taking on the right" v okviru panela "Materialisms old and new", School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London (Velika Britanija), 8. november 2018.

KUHAR, Lea. The pathologies of the left: prispevek na panelu "The left-wing Melancholia" v okviru kongresa "Marx200: politics - theory - socialism", Berlin (Nemčija), 4. maj 2018.

KUHAR, Lea. The riddle of the revolution: between truth and totality: prispevek na 14th annual historical materialism conference "Revolutions against capital, capital against revolutions?", SOAS University of London, London (Velika Britanija), 12. november 2017.

KUHAR, Lea. Abolishing freedom: the fatalism of labour: prispevek na 1st International PhD Student Conference "Philosophy and society", Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rijeka (Hrvaška), 25. november 2016.

KUHAR, Lea. Universality as necessary and impossible: the revolutionary principle of antagonistic struggles: prispevek na mednarodni konferenci "(Conflicting) political ontologies and implications for transformative action", CPERN midterm conference, org. by Institute for Labour Studies, Slovenian Sociological Association, Department of Sociology at Faculty of Arts (UL), Ljubljana, 28. maj 2016.

Ključne besede
politična filozofija
sodobna filozofija
kritika politične ekonomije