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Boštjan Nedoh, PhD

PhD, Philosophy, Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU, 2015.
BA, Political Science, University of Ljubljana, 2008.

Research Title: Research Associate

+386 1 470 64 72


Boštjan Nedoh is a research associate (PhD) at the Institute of Philosophy ZRC SAZU. He works at the intersection between contemporary continental philosophy, psychoanalysis, biopolitics, political theology and critical economic and social theories. Boštjan has published articles in domestic and international journal such as: Problemi, Filozofski vestnik, Časopis za kritiko znanosti, Law, Culture and the Humanities, Angelaki, Political Theology, Journal for Cultural Research and Paragraph. He is also the author of the book Ontology and Perversion: Deleuze, Agamben, Lacan (Rowman and Littlefield International, 2019), and a co-editor of the edited volumes Lacan and Deleuze: A Disjunctive Synthesis (Edinburgh University Press, 2017) and Objective Fictions: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Marxism (Edinburgh University Press, 2022). He has also delivered invited lectures at venues such as University of New Mexico (USA), University of Manchester, Lancaster University and Cardiff University.


NEDOH, Boštjan (2023). Eros tesnobe [The Eros of Anxiety] Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo, 236 pp.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2019). Ontology and Perversion: Deleuze, Agamben, Lacan. London in New York: Rowman and Littlefield International (Series Futures of the Archive), x, 204 pp.


Journal articles and book chapters

NEDOH, Boštjan (2024). Between dirty and necessary: the politics of the superego and the jouissance of transgression in Chicago PD television series. Journal for cultural research, vol. 28, issue 3, pp. 268–287.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2022). Materialistična teorija sreče. Filozofski vestnik, vol. 43, issue 1, pp. 129–147.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2022). Horror vacui: praznina in tesnoba, Pascal in Lacan. Problemi: revija za kulturo in družbena vprašanja, vol. 60, issue 3/4, pp. 179–202.

JOHNSTON, Adrian, NEDOH, Boštjan, ZUPANČIČ ŽERDIN, Alenka. Beyond the nominalism-realism divide : objective fictions from Bentham through Marx to Lacan: introduction. In: JOHNSTON, Adrian (ed.), NEDOH, Boštjan (ed.), ZUPANČIČ ŽERDIN, Alenka (ed.). Objective fictions: philosophy, psychoanalysis, Marxism. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022. pp. 112.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2022). Is surplus value structured like an anamorphosis? Marx, Lacan and the structure of objective fiction. In: JOHNSTON, Adrian (ed.), NEDOH, Boštjan (ed.), ZUPANČIČ ŽERDIN, Alenka (ed.). Objective fictions: philosophy, psychoanalysis, Marxism. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 2444.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2021). Nadjaz in užitek transgresije: od Hanka Voighta do kapitolskega bizona. Problemi: revija za kulturo in družbena vprašanja, vol. 59, issue 9/10, pp. 69–105.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2021). Nihilopolitics as meta-biopolitics? On Arthur Bradley’s Unbearable life: a genealogy of political erasure. Political theology, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 527–539., doi: 10.1080/1462317X.2021.1944000.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2020). Anxiety and ontology: toward the Lacanian materialist metapsychology of the affect. Filozofski vestnik, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 177–208,, doi: 10.3986/FV.41.3.05.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2020). ‘Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds’: science, perversion, psychoanalysis. Journal for cultural research, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 315-333., doi: 10.1080/14797585.2020.1861811.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2020). Marx in objektivna fikcija: mistifikacija dela in presežna vrednost med anamorfozo in družbenim hieroglifom. Problemi, vol. 58, no. 3–4, pp. 29–52.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2019). When tiger leaps into the past: holocaust, history, and messianic materialism in Giorgio Agamben, Walter Benjamin, and László Nemesʼ son of Saul. Angelaki: journal of the theoretical humanities, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 44-60, doi: 10.1080/0969725X.2019.1655270.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2017). Mass migrations as a Messianic event? Rereading Agambenʼs State of Exception in light of the refugee crisis in Europe. Law, culture and the humanities (online version ahead of the print), pp. 1-18., doi: 10.1177/1743872117703717.

NEDOH, Boštjan, ZEVNIK, Andreja (2017). Introduction: on a disjunctive synthesis between Lacan and Deleuze. In: NEDOH, Boštjan (ed.), ZEVNIK, Andreja (ed.). Lacan and Deleuze: a disjunctive synthesis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 1-12.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2017). Does the body without organs have any sex at all? Lacan and Deleuze on perversion and sexual difference. In: NEDOH, Boštjan (ed.), ZEVNIK, Andreja (ed.). Lacan and Deleuze: a disjunctive synthesis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 44-55.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2017). Biopolitics before Foucault: on Benjamin’s critique of bare life and Agamben’s theological genealogy of the ‘apparatusʼ. In: PROZOROV, Sergei (ed.), RENTEA, Simona (ed.). The Routledge handbook of biopolitics, (Routledge handbooks). London; New York: Routledge, 2017, pp. 66-77.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2016). Rezilna žica: novo poglavje v politični zgodovini bodeče žice. In: RAZAC, Olivier. Politična zgodovina bodeče žice, (Zbirka Mediakcije, knj. št. 15). Ljubljana: Maska, pp. 161-181.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2016). Kriza in izredno stanje. Filozofski vestnik, vol. 37, issue 3, pp. 127-140.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2016). Alive or undead? Biopolitics between Espositoʼs vitalism and Lacanian psychoanalysis. Paragraph, vol. 39, issue 1, pp. 65-81., doi: 10.3366/para.2016.0184.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2016). Politična psiho-pato-ekonomija narcizma: od človeškega kapitala do družbene agresivnosti. Časopis za kritiko znanosti, vol. 44, issue 266, pp. 131-144.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2016). Nadjaz: med prepovedjo in imperativom užitka. Problemi, vol. 54, issue 3/4, pp. 187-203.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2015). Messianism between religion and post-religion: on Giorgio Agamben’s “new politics”. Journal for cultural research, vol. 19, issue 4, pp. 337-351., doi: 10.1080/14797585.2015.1033842

NEDOH, Boštjan (2015). Zakaj so ženske bolj tesnobne od moških. Problemi, vol. 53, issue 5/6, pp. 57-76.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2012). Krivica brez žrtev kot politična razsežnost aisthesis pri Jacquesu Rancièru. Filozofski vestnik, vol. 33, issue 1, pp. 119-131.

NEDOH, Boštjan (2011). Kafka’s land surveyor K.: Agamben’s anti-Muselmann. Angelaki, vol. 16, issue 3, pp. 149-161. (Reprinted in: ZARTALOUDIS, Thanos (ed.). Agamben and Law. London in New York: Routledge, 2015, pp. 497-509).

NEDOH, Boštjan (2010). Sekvenca, hipoteza, zgodovina: Ideja komunizma v luči singularne univerzalnosti procesa resnice. Filozofski vestnik, vol. 31, issue 3, pp. 177-189.


Edited volumes

NEDOH, Boštjan (with Arthur Bradley). Perversion and Power, Journal for cultural research, vol. 28, issue 3 (Taylor and Francis), 92 pp:

NEDOH, Boštjan (with Adrian Johnston and Alenka Zupančič). Objective fictions: philosophy, psychoanalysis, Marxism. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, cop. 2022. X, 261 pp.:

NEDOH, Boštjan (with Andreja Zevnik). Lacan and Deleuz: a disjunctive synthesis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017. viii, 232 pp. HB: ISBN 978-1-4744-0829-5; PB: ISBN 978-1-4744-3227-6 (2018):

NEDOH, Boštjan (with Lorenzo Chiesa and Marco Piasentier). Italian biopolitical theory and beyond: genealogy, psychoanalysis, and biology, Paragraph, 2016, vol. 39, no. 1 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press) 124 pp.:


Invited lectures and conference presentations

NEDOH, Boštjan. The birth of trauma: Rank, Freud, Lacan. Rank Horror Symposium, Barnard College, New York (NY, USA), 10 May 2024.

NEDOH, Boštjan. Why is woman more anxio-theist than man?: anxiety, atheism and sexual difference. “To be continued?... Philosophy and psychoanalysis today, part 2”, Ljubljana, 16-18 April 2024.

NEDOH, Boštjan. From negation to negativity, from philosophy of language to linguistic materialism. International Conference “To be continued? ... Philosophy and psychoanalysis today”, Ljubljana, 16 November 2023.

NEDOH, Boštjan. Paradigms of the superego and the jouissance of transgression. International Conference “Perversion and its discontents”, Ljubljana, 30 May 2023.

NEDOH, Boštjan. The spirits of neoliberalism and the materialist theory of happiness. Symposium with Carl Raschke “Spirits of Neoliberalism”. Lancaster University (Lancaster, UK), 14 March 2023.

NEDOH, Boštjan. Anxiety, ontology, and sexual difference II: subjective and objective anxiety: Kierkegaard and Lacan. University of New Mexico, Department of Philosophy, Albuquerque (New Mexico, USA), 16 September 2019.

NEDOH, Boštjan. Anxiety, ontology, and sexual difference I: on Lacanian anxiety and related matters. University of New Mexico, Department of Philosophy, Albuquerque (New Mexico, USA), 6 September 2019.

NEDOH, Boštjan. Rethinking fiction and objectivity: between philosophy and psychoanalysis. Paper presented at roundtable (with Adrian Johnston and Paul Livingston). University of New Mexico, Department of Philosophy, Albuquerque (New Mexico, USA), 13 September 2019.

NEDOH, Boštjan. Anxiety, Objectivity, Truth. Paper presented at “Truth, Fiction, Illusion: Worlds and Experience” – 2019 conference of the Association for the Philosophy and Literature (with Theory, Culture and Society), Alpe-Adria-Universität, Klagenfurt (Austria), 30 May 2019.

NEDOH, Boštjan. The fourth form of denial: reading Ulrich Beck’s “emancipatory catastrophism” through Freudian lens. Lancaster University, Lancaster Environmental Centre, Lancaster (United Kingdom), 31 October 2018.

NEDOH, Boštjan. The birth of perversion from the death on the cross: Lacan, Žižek and the question of Christian atheism. Lancaster University, Department of English and Creative Writing, Lancaster (United Kingdom), 3 November 2017.

NEDOH, Boštjan. Political psycho-patho-economy of narcissism: from human capital to social aggressiveness.Cardiff University, School of Modern Languages, Seminar Series "Capitalism, Crisis and Ideology", Cardiff (Wales), 24 May 2017.

NEDOH, Boštjan. When sovereignty becomes fiction: rereading Agambenʼs State of Exception in the light of current “illegal mass migrations” in the Balkan region. Paper presented at workshop “States of Exceptions I - The politics of sacrifice: martyrs and migrants”, University of Manchester (United Kingdom), 11 December 2015.

NEDOH, Boštjan. Kriza: od cikličnosti k nepovratnosti [Crisis: cyclic of irreversible phenomenon?]. Lecture given at the colloquium “Kriza in njen konec” [Crisis and its End], organized by Institute of Philosophy ZRC SAZU, Bookstore Azil and Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis, Ljubljana, 24 November 2014.

NEDOH, Boštjan. Perversion in Giorgio Agambenʼs biopolitical theory. Lecture given at the international conference “Italian Biopolitical Theory: Immanence and Subjectivity”, organized by Institute of Philosophy ZRC SAZU and University of Kent, Atrium ZRC, Ljubljana, 25 May 2013.

NEDOH, Boštjan. Biopolitics between alive and undead: on the limits of Roberto Esposito’s affirmative biopolitics. Paper presented at international conference “Matter, life and resistance”, Centre for Critical Thought, University of Kent, Canterbury (United Kingdom), 1 July 2013.

NEDOH, Boštjan. Biopolitics between alive and undead: some remarks on Roberto Esposito’s biophilosophy. Invited lecture at “Italian Studies Research Seminar”, School of European Culture and Languages, University of Kent, Canterbury (United Kingdom), 27 November 2012.

Structure and Genealogy of Perversion in Contemporary Philosophy, Politics, and Art (fundamental research project • September 1, 2020 - August 31, 2023)
The problem of objectivity and fiction in contemporary philosophy (July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2021)
Europe as a Philosophical Idea and Political Subject (fundamental research project • May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2020)
Reconfigurations of Ontology (fundamental research project • July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2017)
The Philosophy of Crisis: Economy - Politics - Ecology (fundamental research project • August 1, 2013 - July 31, 2016)
Conditions and Problems of Contemporary Philosophy IV (research programme • January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2025)
Conditions and Problems of Contemporary Philosophy III (research programme • January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2019)