Predavanje Adriana Johnstona
11. maj 2022 ob 18:00
Atrij ZRC, Novi trg 2, pritličje
ZRC SAZU, Filozofski inštitut
vabi na javno predavanje Adriana Johnstona
Communism and Ambivalence: Freud, Marxism, and Aggression
Predavanje bo v sredo, 11. maja 2022, ob 18.00 v Atriju ZRC, Novi trg 2, pritličje. Potekalo bo v angleškem jeziku. Predavateljev povzetek:
In this intervention, I critically assess, on the one hand, Freud’s extreme pessimism about Marxist revolutionary theory and practice and, on the other hand, someone like Marcuse’s extreme optimism about the prospects for libidinal as well as political liberation. I do so by offering both Marxist pushback against Freud’s criticisms of Bolshevism in particular as well as psychoanalytic pushback against Marxist criticisms of psychoanalysis (including complaints that analysis is insufficiently sensitive to the social and historical dimensions foregrounded by Marxian materialism). Surprisingly, despite there now being a century’s worth of efforts at integrating Marxism and psychoanalysis, there still remains no sustained sympathetic Marxist reckoning with the later Freud’s various objections to the ideas and ambitions of the likes of Marx, Engels, and Lenin. On this occasion, I seek to make up for this deficit by passing through, rather than bypassing, these Freudian objections on the way to a psychoanalytic Marxism that takes into account (instead of ignoring) what Freud has to say about historical materialism and its revolutionary aspirations. I also argue here that Luria, Vygotsky, Reich, Fenichel, and Marcuse, as pioneers in fusing Marxism and psychoanalysis, share in common a fundamentally correct insight according to which the theory of drive (Trieb) is a load-bearing pillar for any psychoanalytic Marxism.
Adrian Johnston je profesor na oddelku za filozofijo Univerze Nove Mehike v Albuquerqueju (ZDA) in član Psihoanalitičnega inštituta Emory v Atlanti (ZDA). Seznam njegovih nedavno izdanih knjig vključuje naslednje naslove: Irrepressible Truth: On Lacan’s “The Freudian Thing” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), A New German Idealism: Hegel, Žižek, and Dialectical Materialism (Columbia University Press, 2018) in Prolegomena to Any Future Materialism, Volume Two: A Weak Nature Alone (Northwestern University Press, 2019). S Toddom McGowanom in Slavojem Žižkom je sourednik knjižne zbirke Diaeresis pri založbi Northwestern University Press.